1111 Casper Cir in Corona is the biggest thing I could find. This fella has gone completely off the deep end with this house. I dunno if he thought the King of Denmark was moving to the IE or what, but he built a palace for him. How does 14,873 s/f grab ya?? That's not the lot size, that's the house! The lot is nearly 4 acres.
So how many buyers are there for 11 million dollar homes in Corona?

I didn't know the Hearst Castle had been relocated to Corona.
How many buyers of 11 million dollar homes? I dunno, but I guess one would be enough...
I would think if you built a house like that it would be to live in forever. Not for 2 years and then try to sell it. Or maybe it was never lived in.
Martin: a better question would be "How many people whom could afford a 11 million dollar home, would WANT to live in Corona, regardless of how nice the home is". @ $11mill, you could buy almost as nice as a pad in even the best of areas.
That's kinda my point. Someone that can afford $11m isn't gonna live in Corona
Notice the Zillow appraisal. $1.1mil max.
This guy was delusional in so many ways. I bet he has a really small penis.
Terry, I think 1.1mill is way too good of a deal for that house tho. Look around on Redfin, you see a lot of houses for ~$1million that are just average houses. The materials alone in the house we're talking about probably is ~$1million cost. I think it would be a steal @ $1mill. There are enough people who can swing 1 mill so that's not a reasonable price range for this house.
For example,my friend just bought a $1mill house in Rancho Palos Verdes that is about 1600sq ft and maybe 6000 sq ft lot and is about 60 years old. It also needs to be completely re-done and is definitely what you'd call a fixer upper. Would HE sacrifice the location to live in Corona for your-so-called $1million estimate palace? HELL YA. So in short, that's a very very very unrealistic price. I'd say maybe in the 4-5 million range is more like it.
AAAHHHHH Valencia Estates, the owner of the home owns the same last name. Must be a builder gone crazy.
No NOD filed, give him time and it will be weed garden estates.
brand new "hearst Castle" , I offer $3m for it . Anyone know when it may on auction block?
this is the same guy selling the lots for 1 millions dollars each on the same street. I have seen this house. His sister inlaw also got a nice house on the same street.
OMG! Was that house built on spec?
This poster seems relevant.
Did someone mention Valencia Estates?
I think i'd rather dicker with this guy:
13,500 square feet mansion with a large panoramic ocean-view lot for €8,950,000.
Oh, wait, not Valencia, Spain? That crap is in Corona? Yikes. Good luck getting that price!
I think the builder has Cesars Palace syndrome
i got 2 work in this house and its worth every penny or should i says millions!!!
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